Training Sessions

To sign up for any of the training sessions listed below, please email us at with the following information:

  1. Name
  2. Email Address
  3. Department and School/College
  4. Phone Number
  5. Requested Training (i.e. Search Committee Training for those serving on search committees and/or Electronic Faculty Hiring System Training for those inputting information into the Electronic Faculty Hiring System)
  6. Training Date selected from the lists below.

Tenured/Tenured Track Search Committee Training

This training offers faculty members instruction on developing successful search committees to move forward with the Faculty Hiring process. It is designed to assist users in preparing and implementing unit plans more efficiently and effectively to enhance the success of the search process. In this session, members of search committees explore ways to make maximum use of limited recruitment budgets while using techniques to gain a pool of diverse and qualified candidates. Participants will learn ways to strengthen their position postings, interview process, and documentation procedures.  The Office of Equal Opportunity also encourages faculty members who wish to attend training to review 'A Guide for Successful Searches' which addresses many questions and concerns. 

Search Committee Training Dates: 

Links of the training video will be e-mailed to participates on the date/time selected for training. Paticipates will have the opportunity to view the video for 7 days. Please keep in mind that all links will expire on the 7th day at 11:59:59pm.


Electronic Faculty Hiring System Training

This training offers hands-on instruction on the OEO Electronic Faculty Hiring System (EFHS). The system was designed to replace the previous OEO Faculty Hiring Plan paper process with an electronic format in preparation for faculty hiring.  Each Department within the University is responsible for selecting Authorized Users/Form Administrators to attend training who will be responsible for entering hiring plan information into the system.  Authorized Users/Form Administrators may also refer to the EFHS Manual for assistance when navigating the online process. 

To register for training, please complete and submit the 'Request for Authorized User Form' once your training date has been selected. 

EFHS Training Dates: 

Links of the training video will be e-mailed to participates on the date/time selected for training. Paticipates will have the opportunity to view the video for 7 days. Please keep in mind that all links will expire on the 7th day at 11:59:59pm.